Source code for dowhy.utils.graph_operations

import numpy as np
from queue import LifoQueue
from dowhy.utils.ordered_set import OrderedSet

[docs]def adjacency_matrix_to_adjacency_list(adjacency_matrix, labels=None): ''' Convert the adjacency matrix of a graph to an adjacency list. :param adjacency_matrix: A numpy array representing the graph adjacency matrix. :param labels: List of labels. :returns: Adjacency list as a dictionary. ''' adjlist = dict() if labels is None: labels = [str(i+1) for i in range(adjacency_matrix.shape[0])] for i in range(adjacency_matrix.shape[0]): adjlist[labels[i]] = list() for j in range(adjacency_matrix.shape[1]): if adjacency_matrix[i, j] != 0: adjlist[labels[i]].append(labels[j]) return adjlist
[docs]def adjacency_matrix_to_graph(adjacency_matrix, labels=None): ''' Convert a given graph adjacency matrix to DOT format. :param adjacency_matrix: A numpy array representing the graph adjacency matrix. :param labels: List of labels. :returns: Graph in DOT format. ''' # Only consider edges have absolute edge weight > 0.01 idx = np.abs(adjacency_matrix) > 0.01 dirs = np.where(idx) import graphviz d = graphviz.Digraph(engine='dot') names = labels if labels else [f'x{i}' for i in range(len(adjacency_matrix))] for name in names: d.node(name) for to, from_, coef in zip(dirs[0], dirs[1], adjacency_matrix[idx]): d.edge(names[from_], names[to], label=str(coef)) return d
[docs]def str_to_dot(string): ''' Converts input string from graphviz library to valid DOT graph format. :param string: Graph in DOT format. :returns: DOT string converted to a suitable format for the DoWhy library. ''' graph = string.replace('\n', ';').replace('\t','') graph = graph[:9] + graph[10:-2] + graph[-1] # Removing unnecessary characters from string return graph
[docs]def find_ancestor(node_set, node_names, adjacency_matrix, node2idx, idx2node): ''' Finds ancestors of a given set of nodes in a given graph. :param node_set: Set of nodes whos ancestors must be obtained. :param node_names: Name of all nodes in the graph. :param adjacency_matrix: Graph adjacency matrix. :param node2idx: A dictionary mapping node names to their row or column index in the adjacency matrix. :param idx2node: A dictionary mapping the row or column indices in the adjacency matrix to the corresponding node names. :returns: OrderedSet containing ancestors of all nodes in the node_set. ''' def find_ancestor_help(node_name, node_names, adjacency_matrix, node2idx, idx2node): ancestors = OrderedSet() nodes_to_visit = LifoQueue(maxsize = len(node_names)) nodes_to_visit.put(node2idx[node_name]) while not nodes_to_visit.empty(): child = nodes_to_visit.get() ancestors.add(idx2node[child]) for i in range(len(node_names)): if idx2node[i] not in ancestors and adjacency_matrix[i, child] == 1: # For edge a->b, a is along height and b is along width of adjacency matrix nodes_to_visit.put(i) return ancestors ancestors = OrderedSet() for node_name in node_set.get_all(): ancestors = ancestors.union(find_ancestor_help(node_name, node_names, adjacency_matrix, node2idx, idx2node)) return ancestors
[docs]def induced_graph(node_set, adjacency_matrix, node2idx): ''' To obtain the induced graph corresponding to a subset of nodes. :param node_set: Set of nodes whos ancestors must be obtained. :param adjacency_matrix: Graph adjacency matrix. :param node2idx: A dictionary mapping node names to their row or column index in the adjacency matrix. :returns: Numpy array representing the adjacency matrix of the induced graph. ''' node_idx_list = [node2idx[node] for node in node_set] node_idx_list.sort() adjacency_matrix_induced = adjacency_matrix.copy() adjacency_matrix_induced = adjacency_matrix_induced[node_idx_list] adjacency_matrix_induced = adjacency_matrix_induced[:, node_idx_list] return adjacency_matrix_induced
[docs]def find_c_components(adjacency_matrix, node_set, idx2node): ''' Obtain C-components in a graph. :param adjacency_matrix: Graph adjacency matrix. :param node_set: Set of nodes whos ancestors must be obtained. :param idx2node: A dictionary mapping the row or column indices in the adjacency matrix to the corresponding node names. :returns: List of C-components in the graph. ''' num_nodes = len(node_set) adj_matrix = adjacency_matrix.copy() adjacency_list = [[] for _ in range(num_nodes)] # Modify graph such that it only contains bidirected edges for h in range(0, num_nodes-1): for w in range(h+1, num_nodes): if adjacency_matrix[h, w]==1 and adjacency_matrix[w, h]==1: adjacency_list[h].append(w) adjacency_list[w].append(h) else: adj_matrix[h, w] = 0 adj_matrix[w, h] = 0 # Find c components by finding connected components on the undirected graph visited = [False for _ in range(num_nodes)] def dfs(node_idx, component): visited[node_idx] = True component.add(idx2node[node_idx]) for neighbour in adjacency_list[node_idx]: if visited[neighbour] == False: dfs(neighbour, component) c_components = [] for i in range(num_nodes): if visited[i] == False: component = OrderedSet() dfs(i, component) c_components.append(component) return c_components