import pandas as pd
from dowhy.causal_model import CausalModel
import dowhy.do_samplers as do_samplers
from dowhy.utils.api import parse_state
class CausalAccessor(object):
def __init__(self, pandas_obj):
An accessor for the pandas.DataFrame under the `causal` namespace.
:param pandas_obj:
self._obj = pandas_obj
self._causal_model = None
self._sampler = None
self._identified_estimand = None
self._method = None
[docs] def reset(self):
If a `causal` namespace method (especially `do`) was run statefully, this resets the namespace.
self._causal_model = None
self._identified_estimand = None
self._sampler = None
self._method = None
[docs] def do(self, x, method='weighting', num_cores=1, variable_types={}, outcome=None, params=None, dot_graph=None,
common_causes=None, estimand_type='nonparametric-ate', proceed_when_unidentifiable=False, stateful=False):
The do-operation implemented with sampling. This will return a pandas.DataFrame with the outcome
variable(s) replaced with samples from P(Y|do(X=x)).
If the value of `x` is left unspecified (e.g. as a string or list), then the original values of `x` are left in
the DataFrame, and Y is sampled from its respective P(Y|do(x)). If the value of `x` is specified (passed with a
`dict`, where variable names are keys, and values are specified) then the new `DataFrame` will contain the
specified values of `x`.
For some methods, the `variable_types` field must be specified. It should be a `dict`, where the keys are
variable names, and values are 'o' for ordered discrete, 'u' for un-ordered discrete, 'd' for discrete, or 'c'
for continuous.
Inference requires a set of control variables. These can be provided explicitly using `common_causes`, which
contains a list of variable names to control for. These can be provided implicitly by specifying a causal graph
with `dot_graph`, from which they will be chosen using the default identification method.
When the set of control variables can't be identified with the provided assumptions, a prompt will raise to the
user asking whether to proceed. To automatically over-ride the prompt, you can set the flag
`proceed_when_unidentifiable` to `True`.
Some methods build components during inference which are expensive. To retain those components for later
inference (e.g. successive calls to `do` with different values of `x`), you can set the `stateful` flag to `True`.
Be cautious about using the `do` operation statefully. State is set on the namespace, rather than the method, so
can behave unpredictably. To reset the namespace and run statelessly again, you can call the `reset` method.
:param x: str, list, dict: The causal state on which to intervene, and (optional) its interventional value(s).
:param method: The inference method to use with the sampler. Currently, `'mcmc'`, `'weighting'`, and
`'kernel_density'` are supported. The `mcmc` sampler requires `pymc3>=3.7`.
:param num_cores: int: if the inference method only supports sampling a point at a time, this will parallelize
:param variable_types: dict: The dictionary containing the variable types. Must contain the union of the causal
state, control variables, and the outcome.
:param outcome: str: The outcome variable.
:param params: dict: extra parameters to set as attributes on the sampler object
:param dot_graph: str: A string specifying the causal graph.
:param common_causes: list: A list of strings containing the variable names to control for.
:param estimand_type: str: 'nonparametric-ate' is the only one currently supported. Others may be added later, to allow for specific, parametric estimands.
:param proceed_when_unidentifiable: bool: A flag to over-ride user prompts to proceed when effects aren't
identifiable with the assumptions provided.
:param stateful: bool: Whether to retain state. By default, the do operation is stateless.
:return: pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the sampled outcome
x, keep_original_treatment = self.parse_x(x)
outcome = parse_state(outcome)
if not stateful or method != self._method:
if not self._causal_model:
self._causal_model = CausalModel(self._obj,
[xi for xi in x.keys()],
#self._identified_estimand = self._causal_model.identify_effect()
if not bool(variable_types): #check if the variables dictionary is empty
variable_types = dict(self._obj.dtypes) #Convert the series containing data types to a dictionary
for key in variable_types.keys():
variable_types[key] = self.convert_to_custom_type(variable_types[key].name) #Obtain the custom type corrosponding to each data type
elif len(self._obj.columns) > len(variable_types):
all_variables = dict(self._obj.dtypes)
for key in all_variables.keys():
if key not in variable_types:
variable_types[key] = self.convert_to_custom_type(all_variables[key].name)
elif len(self._obj.columns) < len(variable_types):
raise Exception('Number of variables in the DataFrame is lesser than the variable_types dict')
if not self._sampler:
self._method = method
do_sampler_class = do_samplers.get_class_object(method + "_sampler")
self._sampler = do_sampler_class(self._obj,
result = self._sampler.do_sample(x)
if not stateful:
return result
[docs] def convert_to_custom_type(self, input_type):
This function converts a DataFrame type to a custom type used within dowhy.
We make use of the following mapping
int -> 'c'
float -> 'c'
binary -> 'b'
category -> 'd'
Currently we have not added support for time.
:param input_type: str: The datatype of a column within a DataFrame
if 'int' in input_type:
return 'c'
elif 'float' in input_type:
return 'c'
elif 'bool' in input_type:
return 'b'
elif 'category' in input_type:
return 'd'
raise Exception('{} format is not supported'.format(input_type))
[docs] def parse_x(self, x):
if type(x) == str:
return {x: None}, True
if type(x) == list:
return {xi: None for xi in x}, True
if type(x) == dict:
return x, False
raise Exception('x format not recognized: {}'.format(type(x)))