Source code for dowhy.causal_estimators.propensity_score_weighting_estimator

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import linear_model

from dowhy.causal_estimator import CausalEstimate
from dowhy.causal_estimators.propensity_score_estimator import PropensityScoreEstimator

[docs]class PropensityScoreWeightingEstimator(PropensityScoreEstimator): """ Estimate effect of treatment by weighing the data by inverse probability of occurrence. Straightforward application of the back-door criterion. Supports additional parameters that can be specified in the estimate_effect() method. - 'weighting_scheme': This is the name of weighting method to use. Can be inverse propensity score ("ips_weight", default), stabilized IPS score ("ips_stabilized_weight"), or normalized IPS score ("ips_normalized_weight") """ def __init__(self, *args, min_ps_score=0.05, max_ps_score=0.95, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)"INFO: Using Propensity Score Weighting Estimator") self.symbolic_estimator = self.construct_symbolic_estimator(self._target_estimand) if not hasattr(self, "weighting_scheme"): self.weighting_scheme = 'ips_weight' # 'ips_weight', 'ips_normalized_weight', 'ips_stabilized_weight' self.min_ps_score = min_ps_score self.max_ps_score = max_ps_score def _estimate_effect(self, recalculate_propensity_score=False): if self._propensity_score_model is None or recalculate_propensity_score is True: self._propensity_score_model = linear_model.LogisticRegression(), self._treatment) self._data['ps'] = self._propensity_score_model.predict_proba(self._observed_common_causes)[:,1] # trim propensity score weights self._data['ps'] = np.minimum(self.max_ps_score, self._data['ps']) self._data['ps'] = np.maximum(self.min_ps_score, self._data['ps']) # ips ==> (isTreated(y)/ps(y)) + ((1-isTreated(y))/(1-ps(y))) # nips ==> ips / (sum of ips over all units) # icps ==> ps(y)/(1-ps(y)) / (sum of (ps(y)/(1-ps(y))) over all control units) # itps ==> ps(y)/(1-ps(y)) / (sum of (ps(y)/(1-ps(y))) over all treatment units) ipst_sum = sum(self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] / self._data['ps']) ipsc_sum = sum((1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) / (1-self._data['ps'])) num_units = len(self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) num_treatment_units = sum(self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) num_control_units = num_units - num_treatment_units # Vanilla IPS estimator self._data['ips_weight'] = (1/num_units) * ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] / self._data['ps'] + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) / (1 - self._data['ps']) ) self._data['tips_weight'] = (1/num_treatment_units) * ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) * self._data['ps']/ (1 - self._data['ps']) ) self._data['cips_weight'] = (1/num_control_units) * ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] * (1 - self._data['ps'])/ self._data['ps'] + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) ) # Also known as the Hajek estimator self._data['ips_normalized_weight'] = ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] / self._data['ps'] / ipst_sum + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) / (1 - self._data['ps']) / ipsc_sum ) ipst_for_att_sum = sum(self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) ipsc_for_att_sum = sum((1-self._data[self._treatment_name[0]])/(1 - self._data['ps'])*self._data['ps'] ) self._data['tips_normalized_weight'] = ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]/ ipst_for_att_sum + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) * self._data['ps'] / (1 - self._data['ps']) / ipsc_for_att_sum ) ipst_for_atc_sum = sum(self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] / self._data['ps'] * (1-self._data['ps'])) ipsc_for_atc_sum = sum((1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]])) self._data['cips_normalized_weight'] = ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] * (1 - self._data['ps']) / self._data['ps'] / ipst_for_atc_sum + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]])/ipsc_for_atc_sum ) # Stabilized weights p_treatment = sum(self._data[self._treatment_name[0]])/num_units self._data['ips_stabilized_weight'] = (1/num_units) * ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] / self._data['ps'] * p_treatment + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) / (1 - self._data['ps']) * (1- p_treatment) ) self._data['tips_stabilized_weight'] = (1/num_treatment_units) * ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] * p_treatment + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) * self._data['ps'] / (1 - self._data['ps']) * (1- p_treatment) ) self._data['cips_stabilized_weight'] = (1/num_control_units) * ( self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] * (1 - self._data['ps']) / self._data['ps'] * p_treatment + (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]])* (1-p_treatment) ) # Simple normalized estimator (commented out for now) #ips_sum = self._data['ips_weight'].sum() #self._data['nips_weight'] = self._data['ips_weight'] / ips_sum #self._data['ips2'] = self._data['ps'] / (1 - self._data['ps']) #treated_ips_sum = (self._data['ips2'] * self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]).sum() #control_ips_sum = (self._data['ips2'] * (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]])).sum() #self._data['itps_weight'] = self._data['ips2'] / treated_ips_sum #self._data['icps_weight'] = self._data['ips2'] / control_ips_sum if self._target_units == "ate": weighting_scheme_name = self.weighting_scheme elif self._target_units == "att": weighting_scheme_name = "t" + self.weighting_scheme elif self._target_units == "atc": weighting_scheme_name = "c" + self.weighting_scheme else: raise ValueError("Target units string value not supported") # Calculating the effect self._data['d_y'] = ( self._data[weighting_scheme_name] * self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] * self._data[self._outcome_name] ) self._data['dbar_y'] = ( self._data[weighting_scheme_name] * (1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]]) * self._data[self._outcome_name] ) est = self._data['d_y'].sum() - self._data['dbar_y'].sum() # TODO - how can we add additional information into the returned estimate? estimate = CausalEstimate(estimate=est, target_estimand=self._target_estimand, realized_estimand_expr=self.symbolic_estimator, propensity_scores = self._data["ps"]) return estimate
[docs] def construct_symbolic_estimator(self, estimand): expr = "b: " + ",".join(estimand.outcome_variable) + "~" # TODO -- fix: we are actually conditioning on positive treatment (d=1) var_list = estimand.treatment_variable + estimand.backdoor_variables expr += "+".join(var_list) return expr