Source code for dowhy.causal_estimators.propensity_score_stratification_estimator

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import linear_model

from dowhy.causal_estimator import CausalEstimate
from dowhy.causal_estimators.propensity_score_estimator import PropensityScoreEstimator

[docs]class PropensityScoreStratificationEstimator(PropensityScoreEstimator): """Estimate effect of treatment by stratifying the data into bins with identical common causes. Straightforward application of the back-door criterion. For a list of standard args and kwargs, see documentation for :class:`~dowhy.causal_estimator.CausalEstimator`. Supports additional parameters as listed below. """ def __init__( self, *args, num_strata="auto", clipping_threshold=10, propensity_score_model=None, recalculate_propensity_score=True, propensity_score_column="propensity_score", **kwargs, ): """ :param num_strata: Number of bins by which data will be stratified. Default is automatically determined. :param clipping_threshold: Mininum number of treated or control units per strata. Default=10 :param propensity_score_model: The model used to compute propensity score. Can be any classification model that supports fit() and predict_proba() methods. If None, use LogisticRegression model as the default. :param recalculate_propensity_score: If true, force the estimator to estimate the propensity score. To use pre-computed propensity scores, set this value to False. Default=True :param propensity_score_column: Column name that stores the propensity score. Default='propensity_score' """ # Required to ensure that self.method_params contains all the information # to create an object of this class args_dict = kwargs args_dict.update({"num_strata": num_strata, "clipping_threshold": clipping_threshold}) super().__init__( *args, propensity_score_model=propensity_score_model, recalculate_propensity_score=recalculate_propensity_score, propensity_score_column=propensity_score_column, **args_dict, )"Using Propensity Score Stratification Estimator") self.symbolic_estimator = self.construct_symbolic_estimator(self._target_estimand) # setting method-specific parameters self.num_strata = num_strata self.clipping_threshold = clipping_threshold def _estimate_effect(self): self._refresh_propensity_score() clipped = None # Infer the right strata based on clipping threshold if self.num_strata == "auto": # 0.5 because there are two values for the treatment clipping_t = self.clipping_threshold num_strata = 0.5 * self._data.shape[0] / clipping_t # To be conservative and allow most strata to be included in the # analysis strata_found = False while not strata_found:"'num_strata' selected as {}".format(num_strata)) try: clipped = self._get_strata(num_strata, self.clipping_threshold) num_ret_strata = clipped.groupby(["strata"]).count().reset_index() # At least 90% of the strata should be included in analysis if num_ret_strata.shape[0] >= 0.5 * num_strata: strata_found = True else: num_strata = int(num_strata / 2) f"Less than half the strata have at least {self.clipping_threshold} data points. Selecting fewer number of strata." ) if num_strata < 2: raise ValueError( "Not enough data to generate at least two strata. This error may be due to a high value of 'clipping_threshold'." ) except ValueError: "No strata found with at least {} data points. Selecting fewer number of strata".format( self.clipping_threshold ) ) num_strata = int(num_strata / 2) if num_strata < 2: raise ValueError( "Not enough data to generate at least two strata. This error may be due to a high value of 'clipping_threshold'." ) else: clipped = self._get_strata(self.num_strata, self.clipping_threshold) # sum weighted outcomes over all strata (weight by treated population) weighted_outcomes = clipped.groupby("strata").agg( {self._treatment_name[0]: ["sum"], "dbar": ["sum"], "d_y": ["sum"], "dbar_y": ["sum"]} ) weighted_outcomes.columns = ["_".join(x) for x in weighted_outcomes.columns.to_numpy().ravel()] treatment_sum_name = self._treatment_name[0] + "_sum" control_sum_name = "dbar_sum" weighted_outcomes["d_y_mean"] = weighted_outcomes["d_y_sum"] / weighted_outcomes[treatment_sum_name] weighted_outcomes["dbar_y_mean"] = weighted_outcomes["dbar_y_sum"] / weighted_outcomes["dbar_sum"] weighted_outcomes["effect"] = weighted_outcomes["d_y_mean"] - weighted_outcomes["dbar_y_mean"] total_treatment_population = weighted_outcomes[treatment_sum_name].sum() total_control_population = weighted_outcomes[control_sum_name].sum() total_population = total_treatment_population + total_control_population self.logger.debug( "Total number of data points is {0}, including {1} from treatment and {2} from control.".format( total_population, total_treatment_population, total_control_population ) ) if self._target_units == "att": est = ( weighted_outcomes["effect"] * weighted_outcomes[treatment_sum_name] ).sum() / total_treatment_population elif self._target_units == "atc": est = (weighted_outcomes["effect"] * weighted_outcomes[control_sum_name]).sum() / total_control_population elif self._target_units == "ate": est = ( weighted_outcomes["effect"] * (weighted_outcomes[control_sum_name] + weighted_outcomes[treatment_sum_name]) ).sum() / total_population else: raise ValueError("Target units string value not supported") # TODO - how can we add additional information into the returned estimate? # such as how much clipping was done, or per-strata info for debugging? estimate = CausalEstimate( estimate=est, control_value=self._control_value, treatment_value=self._treatment_value, target_estimand=self._target_estimand, realized_estimand_expr=self.symbolic_estimator, propensity_scores=self._data[self.propensity_score_column], ) return estimate def _get_strata(self, num_strata, clipping_threshold): # sort the dataframe by propensity score # create a column 'strata' for each element that marks what strata it belongs to num_rows = self._data[self._outcome_name].shape[0] self._data["strata"] = ( (self._data[self.propensity_score_column].rank(ascending=True) / num_rows) * num_strata ).round(0) # for each strata, count how many treated and control units there are # throw away strata that have insufficient treatment or control self._data["dbar"] = 1 - self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] # 1-Treatment self._data["d_y"] = self._data[self._treatment_name[0]] * self._data[self._outcome_name] self._data["dbar_y"] = self._data["dbar"] * self._data[self._outcome_name] stratified = self._data.groupby("strata") clipped = stratified.filter( lambda strata: min( strata.loc[strata[self._treatment_name[0]] == 1].shape[0], strata.loc[strata[self._treatment_name[0]] == 0].shape[0], ) > clipping_threshold ) self.logger.debug( "After using clipping_threshold={0}, here are the number of data points in each strata:\n {1}".format( clipping_threshold, clipped.groupby(["strata", self._treatment_name[0]])[self._outcome_name].count() ) ) if clipped.empty: raise ValueError( "Method requires strata with number of data points per treatment > clipping_threshold (={0}). No such strata exists. Consider decreasing 'num_strata' or 'clipping_threshold' parameters.".format( clipping_threshold ) ) return clipped
[docs] def construct_symbolic_estimator(self, estimand): expr = "b: " + ",".join(estimand.outcome_variable) + "~" # TODO -- fix: we are actually conditioning on positive treatment (d=1) var_list = estimand.treatment_variable + estimand.get_backdoor_variables() expr += "+".join(var_list) return expr