Source code for dowhy.causal_estimators.causalml

import inspect
from importlib import import_module

import causalml
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from dowhy.causal_estimator import CausalEstimate, CausalEstimator

[docs]class Causalml(CausalEstimator): """Wrapper class for estimators from the causalml library. For a list of standard args and kwargs, see documentation for :class:`~dowhy.causal_estimator.CausalEstimator`. Supports additional parameters as listed below. For specific parameters of each estimator, refer to the CausalML docs. """ def __init__(self, *args, causalml_methodname, **kwargs): """ :param causalml_methodname: Fully qualified name of causalml estimator class. """ # Required to ensure that self.method_params contains all the information # to create an object of this class args_dict = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in type(self)._STD_INIT_ARGS} args_dict.update(kwargs) super().__init__(*args, **args_dict) self._causalml_methodname = causalml_methodname # Add the identification method used in the estimator self.identifier_method = self._target_estimand.identifier_method self.logger.debug("The identifier method used {}".format(self.identifier_method)) # Check the backdoor variables being used self.logger.debug("Back-door variables used:" + ",".join(self._target_estimand.get_backdoor_variables())) # Add the observed confounders and one hot encode the categorical variables self._observed_common_causes_names = self._target_estimand.get_backdoor_variables() if self._observed_common_causes_names: # Get the data of the unobserved confounders self._observed_common_causes = self._data[self._observed_common_causes_names] # One hot encode the data if they are categorical self._observed_common_causes = pd.get_dummies(self._observed_common_causes, drop_first=True) else: self._observed_common_causes = [] # Check the instrumental variables involved self.logger.debug("Instrumental variables used:" + ",".join(self._target_estimand.instrumental_variables)) # Perform the same actions as the above self._instrumental_variable_names = self._target_estimand.instrumental_variables if self._instrumental_variable_names: self._instrumental_variables = self._data[self._instrumental_variable_names] self._instrumental_variables = pd.get_dummies(self._instrumental_variables, drop_first=True) else: self._instrumental_variables = [] # Check if effect modifiers are used self.logger.debug("Effect Modifiers used:" + ",".join(self._effect_modifier_names)) # Get the class corresponding the the estimator to be used estimator_class = self._get_causalml_class_object(self._causalml_methodname) # Initialize the object self.estimator = estimator_class(**self.method_params["init_params"])"INFO: Using CausalML Estimator") self.symbolic_estimator = self.construct_symbolic_estimator(self._target_estimand) def _get_causalml_class_object(self, module_method_name, *args, **kwargs): try: (module_name, _, class_name) = module_method_name.rpartition(".") estimator_module = import_module(module_name) estimator_class = getattr(estimator_module, class_name) except (AttributeError, AssertionError, ImportError): raise ImportError( "Error loading {}.{}. Double-check the method name and ensure that all causalml dependencies are installed.".format( module_name, class_name ) ) return estimator_class def _estimate_effect(self): X_names = self._observed_common_causes_names + self._effect_modifier_names # Both the outcome and the treatment have to be 1D arrays according to the CausalML API y_name = self._outcome_name treatment_name = self._treatment_name[0] # As we have only one treatment variable # We want to pass 'v0' rather than ['v0'] to prevent a shape mismatch func_args = {"X": self._data[X_names], "y": self._data[y_name], "treatment": self._data[treatment_name]} arg_names = inspect.getfullargspec(self.estimator.estimate_ate)[0] matched_args = {arg: func_args[arg] for arg in func_args.keys() if arg in arg_names} self.logger.debug(matched_args) value_tuple = self.estimator.estimate_ate(**matched_args) # For CATEs arg_names = inspect.getfullargspec(self.estimator.fit_predict)[0] matched_args = {arg: func_args[arg] for arg in func_args.keys() if arg in arg_names} cate_estimates = self.estimator.fit_predict(**matched_args) estimate = CausalEstimate( estimate=value_tuple[0], control_value=self._control_value, treatment_value=self._treatment_value, target_estimand=self._target_estimand, realized_estimand_expr=self.symbolic_estimator, cate_estimates=cate_estimates, effect_intervals=(value_tuple[1], value_tuple[2]), _estimator_object=self.estimator, ) return estimate
[docs] def construct_symbolic_estimator(self, estimand): expr = "b: " + ",".join(estimand.outcome_variable) + "~" # TODO we are conditioning on a postive treatment # TODO create an expression corresponding to each estimator used var_list = estimand.treatment_variable + estimand.get_backdoor_variables() expr += "+".join(var_list) return expr