Source code for dowhy.causal_identifier.efficient_backdoor

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

EXCEPTION_NO_ADJ = "An adjustment set formed by observable variables does not exist"
EXCEPTION_COND_NO_OPT = "Conditions to guarantee the existence of an optimal adjustment set are not satisfied"

[docs]class EfficientBackdoor: """ Implements methods for finding optimal (efficient) backdoor sets. """ def __init__(self, graph, conditional_node_names=None, costs=None): """ :param graph: CausalGraph A causal graph. :param costs: list A list with non-negative costs associated with variables in the graph. Only used for estimatand_type='non-parametric-ate' and method_name='efficient-mincost-adjustment'. If not costs are provided by the user, and method_name='efficient-mincost-adjustment', costs are assumed to be equal to one for all variables in the graph. The structure of the list should be of the form [(node, {"cost": x}) for node in nodes]. :param conditional_node_names: list A list with variables that are used to determine treatment. If none are provided, it is assumed that the intervention sets the treatment to a constant. """ assert ( len(graph.treatment_name) == 1 ), "The methods for computing efficient backdoor sets are only valid for one dimensional treatments" assert ( len(graph.outcome_name) == 1 ), "The methods for computing efficient backdoor sets are only valid for one dimensional outcomes" self.graph = graph if costs is None: # If no costs are passed, use uniform costs costs = [(node, {"cost": 1}) for node in self.graph._graph.nodes] assert all([tup["cost"] > 0 for _, tup in costs]), "All costs must be positive" self.graph._graph.add_nodes_from(costs) self.observed_nodes = set( [node for node in self.graph._graph.nodes if self.graph._graph.nodes[node]["observed"] == "yes"] ) if conditional_node_names is None: conditional_node_names = [] assert set(conditional_node_names).issubset( self.observed_nodes ), "Some conditional variables are not marked as observed" self.conditional_node_names = conditional_node_names
[docs] def ancestors_all(self, nodes): """Method to compute the set of all ancestors of a set of nodes. A node is always an ancestor of itself. :param nodes: list A list of nodes in the graph. :returns ancestors: set The set of nodes that are ancestors of nodes in nodes. """ ancestors = set() for node in nodes: ancestors_node = nx.ancestors(self.graph._graph, node) ancestors = ancestors.union(ancestors_node) ancestors = ancestors.union(set(nodes)) return ancestors
[docs] def backdoor_graph(self, G): """Method to compute the proper back-door graph associated with treatment and outcome. :param G: nx.DiGraph A directed acyclic graph. :returns Gbd: nx.DiGraph The proper backdoor graph of G. """ Gbd = G.copy() for path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(G, self.graph.treatment_name[0], self.graph.outcome_name[0]): first_edge = path[0] Gbd.remove_edge(first_edge[0], first_edge[1]) return Gbd
[docs] def causal_vertices(self): """Method to compute the set of all vertices that lie in a causal path between treatment and outcome. :returns causal_vertices: set A set with vertices lying on some causal path between treatment and outcome. """ causal_vertices = set() causal_paths = list( nx.all_simple_paths( self.graph._graph, source=self.graph.treatment_name[0], target=self.graph.outcome_name[0], ) ) for path in causal_paths: causal_vertices = causal_vertices.union(set(path)) causal_vertices.remove(self.graph.treatment_name[0]) return causal_vertices
[docs] def forbidden(self): """Method to compute the forbidden set with respect to treatment and outcome. :returns forbidden: set The forbidden set. """ forbidden = set() for node in self.causal_vertices(): forbidden = forbidden.union(nx.descendants(self.graph._graph, node).union({node})) return forbidden.union({self.graph.treatment_name[0]})
[docs] def ignore(self): """Method to compute the set of ignorable vertices with respect to treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables. Used in the construction of the H0 and H1 graphs. See Smucler, Sapienza and Rotnitzky (2021), Biometrika, for the full definition of this set. :returns ignore: set The set of ignorable vertices. """ set1 = set( self.ancestors_all(self.conditional_node_names + [self.graph.treatment_name[0], self.graph.outcome_name[0]]) ) set1.remove(self.graph.treatment_name[0]) set1.remove(self.graph.outcome_name[0]) set2 = set(self.graph._graph.nodes()) - self.observed_nodes set2 = set2.union(self.forbidden()) ignore = set1.intersection(set2) return ignore
[docs] def unblocked(self, H, Z): """Method to compute the unblocked set of Z with respect to treatment. See Smucler, Sapienza and Rotnitzky (2021), Biometrika, for the full definition of this set. :params H: nx.Graph An undirected graph. :param Z: list A list with nodes in the graph H. :returns unblocked: set The unblocked set. """ G2 = H.subgraph(H.nodes() - set(Z)) B = nx.node_connected_component(G2, self.graph.treatment_name[0]) unblocked = set(nx.node_boundary(H, B)) return unblocked
[docs] def build_H0(self): """Returns the H0 graph associated with treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables. See Smucler, Sapienza and Rotnitzky (2021), Biometrika, for the full definition of this graph. :returns H0: nx.Graph The H0 graph. """ # restriction to ancestors anc = self.ancestors_all( self.conditional_node_names + [self.graph.treatment_name[0], self.graph.outcome_name[0]] ) G2 = self.graph._graph.subgraph(anc) # back-door graph G3 = self.backdoor_graph(G2) # moralization H0 = nx.moral_graph(G3) return H0
[docs] def build_H1(self): """Returns the H1 graph associated with treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables. See Smucler, Sapienza and Rotnitzky (2021), Biometrika, for the full definition of this graph. :returns H1: nx.Graph The H1 graph. """ H0 = self.build_H0() ignore_nodes = self.ignore() H1 = H0.copy().subgraph(H0.nodes() - ignore_nodes) H1 = nx.Graph(H1) vertices_list = list(H1.nodes()) for i, node1 in enumerate(vertices_list): for node2 in vertices_list[(i + 1) :]: for path in nx.all_simple_paths(H0, source=node1, target=node2): if set(path).issubset(ignore_nodes.union({node1, node2})): H1.add_edge(node1, node2) break for node in self.conditional_node_names: H1.add_edge(self.graph.treatment_name[0], node) H1.add_edge(node, self.graph.outcome_name[0]) return H1
[docs] def build_D(self): """Returns the D flow network associated with treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables. If a node does not have a 'cost' attribute, this function will assume the cost is infinity. See Smucler and Rotnitzky (2022), Journal of Causa Inference, for the full definition of this flow network. :returns D: nx.DiGraph The D flow network. """ H1 = self.build_H1() D = nx.DiGraph() for node in H1.nodes.keys(): if "cost" in H1.nodes[node]: capacity = H1.nodes[node]["cost"] else: capacity = np.inf D.add_edge(node + "'", node + "''", capacity=capacity) for edge in H1.edges.keys(): D.add_edge(edge[0] + "''", edge[1] + "'", capacity=np.inf) D.add_edge(edge[1] + "''", edge[0] + "'", capacity=np.inf) return D
[docs] def compute_smallest_mincut(self): """Returns a min-cut in the flow network D associated with treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables that is contained in any other min-cut. :returns S_c: set The min-cut with the above property. """ D = self.build_D() _, flow_dict = nx.algorithms.flow.maximum_flow( flowG=D, _s=self.graph.outcome_name[0] + "''", _t=self.graph.treatment_name[0] + "'", ) queu = [self.graph.outcome_name[0] + "''"] S_c = set() visited = set() while len(queu) > 0: node = queu.pop() if node not in visited: visited.add(node) point_in = D.in_edges(node) point_out = D.out_edges(node) for edge in point_out: capacity = D.edges[edge]["capacity"] flow = flow_dict[edge[0]][edge[1]] if flow < capacity: queu.append(edge[1]) S_c.add(edge[1]) for edge in point_in: flow = flow_dict[edge[0]][edge[1]] if flow > 0: queu.append(edge[0]) S_c.add(edge[0]) return S_c
[docs] def h_operator(self, S): """Given a set S of vertices in the flow network D, returns the operator h(S), a set of vertices in the undirected graph H1. See Smucler and Rotnitzky (2022), Journal of Causal Inference, for the full definition of this operator. :param S: set A set of vertices in the flow network D associated treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables. :returns Z: set The set obtained from applying the h operator to S. """ Z = set() for node in self.graph._graph.nodes: nodep = node + "'" nodepp = node + "''" condition = nodep in S and nodepp not in S if condition: Z.add(node) return Z
[docs] def optimal_adj_set(self): """Returns the optimal adjustment set with respect to treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables. If the sufficient conditions for the existence of the optimal adjustment set outlined in Smucler, Sapienza and Rotnitzky (2021), Biometrika, do not hold, an error is raised. :returns: optimal: set The optimal adjustment set. """ H1 = self.build_H1() if self.graph.treatment_name[0] in H1.neighbors(self.graph.outcome_name[0]): raise ValueError(EXCEPTION_NO_ADJ) elif self.observed_nodes == set(self.graph._graph.nodes()) or self.observed_nodes.issubset( self.ancestors_all(self.conditional_node_names + [self.graph.treatment_name[0], self.graph.outcome_name[0]]) ): optimal = nx.node_boundary(H1, {self.graph.outcome_name[0]}) return optimal else: raise ValueError(EXCEPTION_COND_NO_OPT)
[docs] def optimal_minimal_adj_set(self): """Returns the optimal minimal adjustment set with respect to treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables. :returns: optimal_minimal: set The optimal minimal adjustment set. """ H1 = self.build_H1() if self.graph.treatment_name[0] in H1.neighbors(self.graph.outcome_name[0]): raise ValueError(EXCEPTION_NO_ADJ) else: optimal_minimal = self.unblocked(H1, nx.node_boundary(H1, [self.graph.outcome_name[0]])) return optimal_minimal
[docs] def optimal_mincost_adj_set(self): """Returns the optimal minimum cost adjustment set with respect to treatment, outcome, conditional and observable variables. Note that when the costs are constant, this is the optimal adjustment set among those of minimum cardinality. :returns: optimal_mincost: set The optimal minimum cost adjustment set. """ H1 = self.build_H1() if self.graph.treatment_name[0] in H1.neighbors(self.graph.outcome_name[0]): raise ValueError(EXCEPTION_NO_ADJ) else: S_c = self.compute_smallest_mincut() optimal_mincost = self.h_operator(S_c) return optimal_mincost