"""This module defines functions to attribute distribution changes.
Functions in this module should be considered experimental, meaning there might be breaking API changes in the future.
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.matlib import repmat
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
from tqdm import tqdm
from dowhy.gcm.auto import AssignmentQuality, assign_causal_mechanism_node, assign_causal_mechanisms
from dowhy.gcm.causal_mechanisms import ConditionalStochasticModel
from dowhy.gcm.causal_models import (
from dowhy.gcm.divergence import auto_estimate_kl_divergence
from dowhy.gcm.fitting_sampling import draw_samples, fit_causal_model_of_target
from dowhy.gcm.independence_test.kernel import kernel_based
from dowhy.gcm.shapley import ShapleyConfig, estimate_shapley_values
from dowhy.gcm.util.general import shape_into_2d
from dowhy.graph import DirectedGraph, get_ordered_predecessors, is_root_node, node_connected_subgraph_view
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def mechanism_change_test(
target_original_data: np.ndarray,
target_new_data: np.ndarray,
parents_original_data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
parents_new_data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based,
conditional_independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based,
) -> float:
"""Estimates a p-value for the null hypothesis that the original and new data were generated by the same mechanism.
Here, we check the dependency between binary labels indicating whether a sample is from the original or a new
data set. If the labels do not provide information to determine if a sample is coming from the original/new
distribution, then it is likely that the mechanism has not changed.
For non-root nodes, samples from parent variables are needed as conditioning variables. This is, testing the
null hypothesis that the data were generated by the same mechanism given the parent samples. By this, we incorporate
upstream changes that might have impacted the parents, but not the target node itself.
:param target_original_data: Samples of the node from the original data set.
:param target_new_data: Samples of the node from the new data set.
:param parents_original_data: Samples from parents of the node from the original data set.
:param parents_new_data: Samples from parents of the node from the new data set.
:param independence_test: Unconditional independence test. This is used to identify mechanism changes in nodes
without parents.
:param conditional_independence_test: Conditional independence test. This is used to identify mechanism changes in
nodes with parents.
:return: A p-value for the null hypothesis that the mechanism has not changed.
causal_graph: DirectedGraph
if parents_original_data is not None and parents_new_data is None:
raise ValueError("Original parents data were given, but no new parents data!")
if parents_original_data is None and parents_new_data is not None:
raise ValueError("New parents data were given, but no original parents data!")
num_samples_for_testing = min(target_original_data.shape[0], target_new_data.shape[0])
data_set_indices = np.ones(num_samples_for_testing * 2)
data_set_indices[num_samples_for_testing:] = -1
data_set_indices = data_set_indices.astype(str)
original_indices = np.random.choice(target_original_data.shape[0], num_samples_for_testing, replace=False)
new_indices = np.random.choice(target_new_data.shape[0], num_samples_for_testing, replace=False)
joint_target_samples = np.vstack(
[shape_into_2d(target_original_data[original_indices]), shape_into_2d(target_new_data[new_indices])]
if parents_original_data is None:
return independence_test(joint_target_samples, data_set_indices)
parents_new_data: np.ndarray
joint_parent_data = np.vstack(
[shape_into_2d(parents_original_data[original_indices]), shape_into_2d(parents_new_data[new_indices])]
return conditional_independence_test(joint_target_samples, data_set_indices, joint_parent_data)
[docs]def distribution_change(
causal_model: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
old_data: pd.DataFrame,
new_data: pd.DataFrame,
target_node: Any,
invariant_nodes: List[Any] = None,
num_samples: int = 2000,
difference_estimation_func: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = auto_estimate_kl_divergence,
independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based,
conditional_independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based,
mechanism_change_test_significance_level: float = 0.05,
mechanism_change_test_fdr_control_method: Optional[str] = "fdr_bh",
auto_assignment_quality: Optional[AssignmentQuality] = None,
return_additional_info: bool = False,
shapley_config: Optional[ShapleyConfig] = None,
graph_factory: Callable[[Any], DirectedGraph] = nx.DiGraph,
) -> Union[
Dict[Any, float], Tuple[Dict[Any, float], Dict[Any, bool], ProbabilisticCausalModel, ProbabilisticCausalModel]
"""Attributes the change in the marginal distribution of the target_node to nodes upstream in the causal DAG.
Note that this method creates two copies of the causal DAG. The causal models of one causal DAG are learned from
old data and those of another DAG are learned from new data.
**Research Paper**:
Kailash Budhathoki, Dominik Janzing, Patrick Bloebaum, Hoiyi Ng. *Why did the distribution change?*. Proceedings
of The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 130:1666-1674, 2021.
:param causal_model: Reference causal model.
:param old_data: Joint samples from the 'old' distribution.
:param new_data: Joint samples from the 'new' distribution.
:param target_node: Target node of interest for attributing the marginal distribution change.
:param invariant_nodes: List of nodes where the mechanism is kept constant regardless of changes in the
datasets being analyzed.
:param num_samples: Number of samples used for estimating Shapley values. This can have a significant influence
on runtime and accuracy.
:param difference_estimation_func: Function for quantifying the distribution change. This function should expect
two inputs which represent samples from two different distributions,
e.g. difference in average values.
:param independence_test: Unconditional independence test. This is used to identify mechanism changes in root nodes.
:param conditional_independence_test: Conditional independence test. This is used to identify mechanism changes in
non-root nodes.
:param mechanism_change_test_significance_level: A significance level for rejecting the null hypothesis that the
causal mechanism of a node has not changed.
:param mechanism_change_test_fdr_control_method: The false discovery rate control method for mechanism change
tests. For more options, checkout `statsmodels manual
:param auto_assignment_quality: If set to None, the assigned models from the given causal models are used for the
old and new graph. However, they are re-fitted on the given data.
If set to a valid assignment quality, new models are automatically assigned to the
old and new graph based on the respective data.
:param return_additional_info: If set to True, three additional items are returned: a dictionary indicating
whether each node's mechanism changed, the causal DAG whose causal models are
learned from old data, and the causal DAG whose causal models are learned from new
:param shapley_config: Configuration for the Shapley estimator.
:param graph_factory: Allows customization in case a graph class different than networkx.DiGraph should be used.
This function *must* copy nodes and edges. Attributes of nodes will be overridden in the copy,
so the algorithm is independent of the attribute copy behavior of this factory.
:return: By default, if `return_additional_info` is set to False, only the dictionary containing contribution of
each upstream node is returned. If `return_additional_info` is set to True, three additional items are
returned: a dictionary indicating whether each node's mechanism changed, the causal DAG whose causal models
learned from old data, and the causal DAG whose causal models are learned from new data.
if invariant_nodes is None:
invariant_nodes = []
causal_graph_old = graph_factory(node_connected_subgraph_view(causal_model.graph, target_node))
causal_model_old = ProbabilisticCausalModel(causal_graph_old)
if auto_assignment_quality is None:
clone_causal_models(causal_model.graph, causal_model_old.graph)
assign_causal_mechanisms(causal_model_old, old_data, override_models=True, quality=auto_assignment_quality)
invariant_nodes = list(set(invariant_nodes).intersection(set(causal_graph_old.nodes)))
_remove_invariant_nodes(invariant_nodes, causal_model_old, old_data, auto_assignment_quality)
causal_graph_new = graph_factory(causal_graph_old)
causal_model_new = ProbabilisticCausalModel(causal_graph_new)
if auto_assignment_quality is None:
clone_causal_models(causal_graph_old, causal_model_new.graph)
assign_causal_mechanisms(causal_model_new, new_data, override_models=True, quality=auto_assignment_quality)
mechanism_changes = _fit_accounting_for_mechanism_change(
attributions = distribution_change_of_graphs(
# set attributions to zero for left out invariant nodes
for node in invariant_nodes:
attributions[node] = 0
if return_additional_info:
return attributions, mechanism_changes, causal_model_old, causal_model_new
return attributions
[docs]def distribution_change_of_graphs(
causal_model_old: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
causal_model_new: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
target_node: Any,
num_samples: int = 2000,
difference_estimation_func: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = auto_estimate_kl_divergence,
shapley_config: Optional[ShapleyConfig] = None,
graph_factory: Callable[[Any], DirectedGraph] = nx.DiGraph,
) -> Dict[Any, float]:
"""Attributes the change of the marginal distribution of target_node to upstream nodes based on the distributions
generated by the 'old' and 'new' causal graphs. These graphs are assumed to represent the same causal structure and
to be fitted on the respective data.
Note: This method creates a copy of the given causal models, i.e. the original objects will not be modified.
Related paper:
Budhathoki, K., Janzing, D., Bloebaum, P., & Ng, H. (2021). Why did the distribution change?
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.13384.
:param causal_model_old: The ProbabilisticCausalModel fitted on the 'old' data.
:param causal_model_new: The ProbabilisticCausalModel fitted on the 'new' data.
:param target_node: Node of interest for attributing the marginal distribution change.
:param num_samples: Number of samples used for the estimation. This can have a significant influence on the runtime
and accuracy.
:param difference_estimation_func: Function for quantifying the distribution change. This function should expect
two inputs which represent samples from two different distributions. An example
could be the KL divergence.
:param shapley_config: Config for the Shapley estimator.
:param graph_factory: Allows customization in case a graph class different than networkx.DiGraph should be used.
This function *must* copy nodes and edges. Attributes of nodes will be overridden in the copy,
so the algorithm is independent of the attribute copy behavior of this factory.
:return: A dictionary containing the contributions of upstream nodes to the marginal distribution change in the
target node.
return _estimate_marginal_distribution_change(
ProbabilisticCausalModel(node_connected_subgraph_view(causal_model_old.graph, target_node)),
ProbabilisticCausalModel(node_connected_subgraph_view(causal_model_new.graph, target_node)),
def _remove_invariant_nodes(
invariant_nodes: List[Any],
causal_model: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
old_data: pd.DataFrame,
auto_assignment_quality: Optional[AssignmentQuality],
) -> None:
if auto_assignment_quality is None:
auto_assignment_quality = AssignmentQuality.GOOD
for invar_node in invariant_nodes:
# Get parent and child nodes
parents = get_ordered_predecessors(causal_model.graph, invar_node)
children = list(causal_model.graph.successors(invar_node))
# Don't remove node if node has more than 1 children nodes as it can introduce
# hidden confounders.
if len(children) > 1:
# Remove the middle node
# Connect parent and child nodes
for parent in parents:
for child in children:
causal_model.graph.add_edge(parent, child)
# Update the causal mechanism for the child nodes
for child in children:
assign_causal_mechanism_node(causal_model, child, old_data, quality=auto_assignment_quality)
def _fit_accounting_for_mechanism_change(
causal_model_old: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
causal_model_new: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
old_data: pd.DataFrame,
new_data: pd.DataFrame,
independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float],
conditional_independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float],
significance_level: float,
fdr_control_method: Optional[str],
invariant_nodes: List[Any],
) -> Dict[Any, bool]:
mechanism_changed_for_node = _check_significant_mechanism_change(
joint_data = pd.concat([old_data, new_data], ignore_index=True, sort=True)
for node in causal_model_new.graph.nodes:
if node in invariant_nodes:
mechanism_changed_for_node[node] = False
if mechanism_changed_for_node[node]:
fit_causal_model_of_target(causal_model_old, node, old_data)
fit_causal_model_of_target(causal_model_new, node, new_data)
fit_causal_model_of_target(causal_model_old, node, joint_data)
fit_causal_model_of_target(causal_model_new, node, joint_data)
return mechanism_changed_for_node
def _estimate_marginal_distribution_change(
causal_model_old: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
causal_model_new: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
target_node: Any,
num_samples: int,
difference_estimation_func: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float],
shapley_config: Optional[ShapleyConfig],
graph_factory: Callable[[Any], DirectedGraph],
) -> Dict[Any, float]:
old_causal_models = [causal_model_old.causal_mechanism(x) for x in sorted(causal_model_old.graph.nodes)]
new_causal_models = [causal_model_new.causal_mechanism(x) for x in sorted(causal_model_new.graph.nodes)]
target_samples_old = draw_samples(causal_model_old, num_samples)[target_node].to_numpy()
def attribution_set_function(subset):
if np.all(subset == 0):
return 0
causal_model = ProbabilisticCausalModel(graph_factory(causal_model_old.graph))
nodes = sorted(list(causal_model.graph.nodes))
for i in range(len(old_causal_models)):
if subset[i] == 1:
causal_model.set_causal_mechanism(nodes[i], new_causal_models[i])
causal_model.set_causal_mechanism(nodes[i], old_causal_models[i])
for node in causal_model.graph.nodes:
causal_model.graph.nodes[node][PARENTS_DURING_FIT] = get_ordered_predecessors(causal_model.graph, node)
target_samples_new = draw_samples(causal_model, num_samples)[target_node].to_numpy()
return difference_estimation_func(target_samples_old, target_samples_new)
attributions = estimate_shapley_values(attribution_set_function, len(old_causal_models), shapley_config)
return {x: attributions[i] for i, x in enumerate(sorted(causal_model_old.graph.nodes))}
[docs]def estimate_distribution_change_scores(
causal_model: ProbabilisticCausalModel,
original_data: pd.DataFrame,
new_data: pd.DataFrame,
difference_estimation_func: Callable[
[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Union[np.ndarray, float]
] = auto_estimate_kl_divergence,
max_num_evaluation_samples: int = 1000,
num_joint_samples: int = 500,
early_stopping_percentage: float = 0.01,
independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based,
conditional_independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based,
mechanism_change_test_significance_level: float = 0.05,
mechanism_change_test_fdr_control_method: Optional[str] = "fdr_bh",
) -> Dict[Any, float]:
"""Given newly observed and original samples from the joint distribution of the given causal graphical model, this
method estimates a score for each node that quantifies how much the distribution of the node has changed. For this,
it first checks whether the underlying causal mechanism has changed at all and, if this is the case, it estimates
the difference between the new and original distributions. The score is based on the quantity measured by the
provided difference_estimation_func or 0 if no mechanism change has been detected.
Note that for each parent sample, num_joint_samples conditional samples are generated based on the original and new
causal mechanism and evaluated by the given difference_estimation_func function. These results are then averaged
over multiple different parent samples.
:param causal_model: The underlying causal model based on the original data.
:param original_data: Samples from the original data.
:param new_data: Samples from the new data.
:param difference_estimation_func: Function for quantifying the distribution change. This function should expect
two inputs which represent samples from two different distributions. An example
could be the KL divergence.
:param max_num_evaluation_samples: Maximum number of (parent) samples for evaluating the difference in
:param num_joint_samples: Number of samples generated in a node per parent sample.
:param early_stopping_percentage: If the change in percentage between multiple consecutive runs is below this
threshold, the evaluation stops before evaluating all max_num_evaluation_samples.
:param independence_test: Unconditional independence test. This is used to identify mechanism changes in root nodes.
:param conditional_independence_test: Conditional independence test. This is used to identify mechanism changes in
non-root nodes.
:param mechanism_change_test_significance_level: A significance level for rejecting the null hypothesis that the
causal mechanism of a node has not changed.
:param mechanism_change_test_fdr_control_method: The false discovery rate control method for mechanism change
tests. For more options, checkout `statsmodels manual
:return: A dictionary assining a score to each node in the causal graph.
mechanism_changed_for_node = _check_significant_mechanism_change(
results = {}
for node in tqdm(
causal_model.graph.nodes, desc="Estimating mechanism change anomaly scores", position=0, leave=True
if mechanism_changed_for_node[node]:
if is_root_node(causal_model.graph, node):
results[node] = difference_estimation_func(original_data[node].to_numpy(), new_data[node].to_numpy())
parent_nodes = get_ordered_predecessors(causal_model.graph, node)
results[node] = _estimate_distribution_change_score(
results[node] = 0
return results
def _check_significant_mechanism_change(
graph: DirectedGraph,
old_data: pd.DataFrame,
new_data: pd.DataFrame,
independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float],
conditional_independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float],
significance_level: float,
fdr_control_method: Optional[str],
) -> Dict[Any, bool]:
all_p_values = []
for node in graph.nodes:
if is_root_node(graph, node):
parents_org_data = None
parents_new_data = None
parents_org_data = old_data[get_ordered_predecessors(graph, node)].to_numpy()
parents_new_data = new_data[get_ordered_predecessors(graph, node)].to_numpy()
if fdr_control_method is None:
successes = np.array(all_p_values) <= significance_level
successes = multipletests(all_p_values, significance_level, method=fdr_control_method)[0]
return dict(zip(graph.nodes, successes))
def _estimate_distribution_change_score(
parent_original_data: np.ndarray,
parent_new_data: np.ndarray,
target_new_data: np.ndarray,
causal_model_original: ConditionalStochasticModel,
difference_estimation_func: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Union[np.ndarray, float]],
max_num_evaluation_samples: int,
num_joint_samples: int,
early_stopping_percentage: float,
) -> float:
parent_original_data, parent_new_data, target_new_data = shape_into_2d(
parent_original_data, parent_new_data, target_new_data
causal_model_new = causal_model_original.clone()
causal_model_new.fit(X=parent_new_data, Y=target_new_data)
joint_parent_samples = np.vstack([parent_original_data, parent_new_data])
joint_parent_samples = joint_parent_samples[
joint_parent_samples.shape[0], min(joint_parent_samples.shape[0], max_num_evaluation_samples), replace=False
result = 0
run = 0
for joint_parent_sample in joint_parent_samples:
old_result = result
samples = repmat(joint_parent_sample, num_joint_samples, 1)
result += difference_estimation_func(
causal_model_original.draw_samples(samples), causal_model_new.draw_samples(samples)
run += 1
if old_result != 0 and (1 - result / old_result) <= early_stopping_percentage:
# If the relative change of the score is less than the given threshold, we stop the estimation early.
"Early stopping: Result only changed by %f percent and a threshold of %f is set."
% (1 - result / old_result, early_stopping_percentage)
return result / run