Source code for dowhy.gcm.falsify

"""This module provides functionality to falsify a user-given DAG given observed data.

Functions in this module should be considered experimental, meaning there might be breaking API changes in the future.
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import partial
from inspect import getfullargspec
from itertools import permutations
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, FrozenSet, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from tqdm import tqdm

import dowhy.gcm.config as config
from dowhy.gcm.independence_test import kernel_based
from dowhy.gcm.util import plot
from dowhy.gcm.util.general import set_random_seed
from dowhy.gcm.validation import _get_non_descendants
from dowhy.graph import DirectedGraph, get_ordered_predecessors

COLORS = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.values())

[docs]class FalsifyConst(Enum): N_VIOLATIONS = auto() N_TESTS = auto() P_VALUE = auto() P_VALUES = auto() GIVEN_VIOLATIONS = auto() PERM_VIOLATIONS = auto() F_GIVEN_VIOLATIONS = auto() F_PERM_VIOLATIONS = auto() LOCAL_VIOLATION_INSIGHT = auto() METHOD = auto() VALIDATE_LMC = auto() VALIDATE_TPA = auto() VALIDATE_PD = auto() VALIDATE_CM = auto() PERM_GRAPHS = auto() MEC = auto()
FALSIFY_METHODS = { FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC: "LMC", FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_PD: "Faithfulness", FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA: "TPa", FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_CM: "Causal Minimality", } @dataclass class _PValuesMemory: """A class to store and access results of independence tests. This class is useful if, e.g. we validate LMC on graph X -> Y -> Z and also on the permuted nodes Z -> Y -> X. Since X ind Z | Y == Z ind X | Y, we only need to perform the conditional independence test once. We use frozensets of nodes since standard (immutable) sets are not hashable. """ p_values: Dict[Tuple[FrozenSet, FrozenSet, FrozenSet], float] = field(default_factory=dict) def add_p_value( self, p_value: Union[None, float], X: Union[Set, List, str], Y: Union[Set, List, str], Z: Optional[Union[Set, List, str]] = None, ): if not Z: Z = set() self.p_values[(_to_frozenset(X), _to_frozenset(Y), _to_frozenset(Z))] = p_value def get_p_value( self, X: Union[Set, List, str], Y: Union[Set, List, str], Z: Optional[Union[Set, List, str]] = None ): if not Z: Z = set() # Independence tests are symmetric if (_to_frozenset(X), _to_frozenset(Y), _to_frozenset(Z)) in self.p_values: return self.p_values[(_to_frozenset(X), _to_frozenset(Y), _to_frozenset(Z))] elif (_to_frozenset(Y), _to_frozenset(X), _to_frozenset(Z)) in self.p_values: return self.p_values[(_to_frozenset(Y), _to_frozenset(X), _to_frozenset(Z))] return def __contains__(self, item: Tuple[Union[Set, List, str], ...]) -> bool: X, Y = (_to_frozenset(i) for i in item[:2]) if len(item) == 2 or item[2] is None: Z = frozenset() else: Z = _to_frozenset(item[2]) return (X, Y, Z) in self.p_values or (Y, X, Z) in self.p_values
[docs]def validate_lmc( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, data: pd.DataFrame, p_values_memory: Optional[_PValuesMemory] = None, independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based, conditional_independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based, significance_level: float = 0.05, include_unconditional: bool = True, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[int, Dict[str, float]]]: """ Validate the local markov condition for a given directed graph. Return number of violations and p values for each node. :param causal_graph: A directed acyclic graph (DAG). :param data: Observations of variables in the DAG. :param p_values_memory: _PValuesMemory instance, where results of previously performed tests are stored. :param independence_test: Test to use for unconditional independencies (only used if include_unconditional=True) :param conditional_independence_test: Conditional independence test to use for checking local Markov condition. :param significance_level: Significance level for (conditional) independence tests. :param include_unconditional: Test also unconditional independencies of root nodes. :param n_jobs: Number of jobs to use for parallel execution of (conditional) independence tests. :return: Outcome of validation containing number of violations in the graph and p values/violation for each tuple (node, non_desc) """ n_jobs = config.default_n_jobs if n_jobs is None else n_jobs if p_values_memory is None: p_values_memory = _PValuesMemory() validation_summary = { FalsifyConst.METHOD: FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC, FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS: 0, FalsifyConst.N_TESTS: 0, FalsifyConst.P_VALUES: dict(), } # Find out which tests to do triples = _get_parental_triples(causal_graph, include_unconditional) to_test = [] for node, non_desc, parents in triples: if not (node, non_desc, parents) in p_values_memory: to_test.append((node, non_desc, parents)) p_values_memory.add_p_value(None, node, non_desc, parents) # Placeholder # Parallelize over tests random_seeds = np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max, size=len(to_test)) p_values = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_compute_p_value)( data=data, X=node, Y=non_desc, Z=parents, independence_test=independence_test, conditional_independence_test=conditional_independence_test, seed=int(seed), ) for (node, non_desc, parents), seed in zip(to_test, random_seeds) ) # Gather results for i, (node, non_desc, parents) in enumerate(to_test): p_values_memory.add_p_value(p_values[i], node, non_desc, parents) # Summarize for node, non_desc, parents in triples: lmc_p_value = p_values_memory.get_p_value(node, non_desc, parents) if lmc_p_value is not None: validation_summary[FalsifyConst.N_TESTS] += 1 validation_summary[FalsifyConst.P_VALUES][(node, non_desc)] = ( lmc_p_value, lmc_p_value <= significance_level, ) if lmc_p_value <= significance_level: validation_summary[FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS] += 1 return validation_summary
[docs]def validate_tpa( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, causal_graph_reference: DirectedGraph, include_unconditional: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Graphical criterion to evaluate which pairwise parental d-separations (parental triples) in `causal_graph` are violated, assuming `causal_graph_reference` is the ground truth graph. If none are violated, then both graphs lie in the same Markov equivalence class. Specifically we test: X _|_G' Y | Z and X _/|_G Y | Z for Y \in ND{X}^G', Z = PA{X}^G :param causal_graph: Causal graph for which to evaluate parental d-separations (G') :param causal_graph_reference: Causal graph where we test if d-separation holds (G) :param include_unconditional: Test also unconditional independencies of root nodes. :return: Validation summary with number of d-separations implied by `causal_graph` and number of times these are violated in the graph `causal_graph_reference`. """ validation_summary = { FalsifyConst.METHOD: FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA, FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS: 0, FalsifyConst.N_TESTS: 0, } triples = _get_parental_triples(causal_graph, include_unconditional) for node, non_desc, parents in triples: validation_summary[FalsifyConst.N_TESTS] += 1 if not nx.d_separated(causal_graph_reference, {node}, {non_desc}, set(parents)): validation_summary[FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS] += 1 return validation_summary
[docs]def validate_pd( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, data: pd.DataFrame, p_values_memory: Optional[_PValuesMemory] = None, n_pairs: int = -1, independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based, significance_level: float = 0.05, adjacent_only: bool = False, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[int, Dict[tuple, float]]]: """ Validate pairwise dependencies (pd) for a given causal graph and data. Test for each node if it is statistically dependent of all its ancestors. :param causal_graph: A directed acyclic graph (DAG). :param data: Observations of variables in the DAG. :param p_values_memory: _PValuesMemory object, where results of previously performed tests are stored. :param n_pairs: Evaluate dependencies for n_pairs <= all pairs in the DAG. If n_pairs=-1, evaluate dependencies for all (ancestor, node) pairs (default). :param independence_test: Independence test to use for checking pairwise dependencies. :param significance_level: Significance level for independence tests. :param adjacent_only: Only test adjacent node pairs. :param n_jobs: Number of jobs to use for parallel execution of (conditional) independence tests. :return: Summary dict: {n_violations: int, n_tests: int, p_values: {(ancestor, node): float, ...}} """ n_jobs = config.default_n_jobs if n_jobs is None else n_jobs if p_values_memory is None: p_values_memory = _PValuesMemory() pairs = [(ancestor, node) for node in causal_graph.nodes for ancestor in nx.ancestors(causal_graph, node)] if adjacent_only: pairs = [ (ancestor, node) for (ancestor, node) in pairs if ancestor in get_ordered_predecessors(causal_graph, node) ] if n_pairs < 0: n_pairs = len(pairs) if n_pairs > len(pairs): raise ValueError(f"n_pairs ({n_pairs}) > number of pairs in the DAG ({len(pairs)})") validation_summary = { FalsifyConst.METHOD: FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_PD, FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS: 0, FalsifyConst.N_TESTS: n_pairs, FalsifyConst.P_VALUES: dict(), } pair_idxs = np.random.choice(len(pairs), size=n_pairs, replace=False) # Find out which tests to do to_test = [] for pair_idx in pair_idxs: ancestor, node = pairs[pair_idx] if not (ancestor, node) in p_values_memory: to_test.append((ancestor, node)) p_values_memory.add_p_value(None, ancestor, node) # Placeholder # Parallelize over tests random_seeds = np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max, size=len(to_test)) p_values = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_compute_p_value)( data=data, X=ancestor, Y=node, Z=None, independence_test=independence_test, conditional_independence_test=None, seed=int(seed), ) for (ancestor, node), seed in zip(to_test, random_seeds) ) # Gather results for i, (ancestor, node) in enumerate(to_test): p_values_memory.add_p_value(p_values[i], ancestor, node) # Summarize for pair_idx in pair_idxs: ancestor, node = pairs[pair_idx] p_value = p_values_memory.get_p_value(ancestor, node) if p_value is not None: validation_summary[FalsifyConst.P_VALUES][(node, ancestor)] = (p_value, p_value > significance_level) if p_value > significance_level: validation_summary[FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS] += 1 return validation_summary
[docs]def validate_cm( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, data: pd.DataFrame, p_values_memory: Optional[_PValuesMemory] = None, independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based, conditional_independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based, significance_level: float = 0.05, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[int, Dict[tuple, float]]]: """ Function to test causal minimality of a DAG (see [1], Proposition 6.36). [1] J. Peters, D. Janzing, and B. Schölkopf, Elements of Causal Inference: Foundations and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, 2017. :param causal_graph: A directed acyclic graph (DAG). :param data: Observations of variables in the DAG. :param p_values_memory: _PValuesMemory object, where results of previously performed tests are stored. :param independence_test: Independence test to use. :param conditional_independence_test: Conditional independence test to use. :param significance_level: Significance level for independence tests. :param n_jobs: Number of jobs to use for parallel execution of (conditional) independence tests. :return: Validation summary as dict. """ n_jobs = config.default_n_jobs if n_jobs is None else n_jobs if p_values_memory is None: p_values_memory = _PValuesMemory() validation_summary = { FalsifyConst.METHOD: FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_CM, FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS: 0, FalsifyConst.N_TESTS: 0, FalsifyConst.P_VALUES: dict(), } # Find out which tests to do triples = [] to_test = [] for node in causal_graph.nodes: parents = set(causal_graph.predecessors(node)) if parents: for p in parents: other_parents = parents.difference({p}) triples.append((node, p, other_parents)) if not (node, p, other_parents) in p_values_memory: to_test.append((node, p, other_parents)) p_values_memory.add_p_value(None, node, p, other_parents) # Placeholder # Parallelize over tests random_seeds = np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max, size=len(to_test)) p_values = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_compute_p_value)( data=data, X=node, Y=p, Z=list(other_parents), independence_test=independence_test, conditional_independence_test=conditional_independence_test, seed=int(seed), ) for (node, p, other_parents), seed in zip(to_test, random_seeds) ) # Gather results for i, (node, p, other_parents) in enumerate(to_test): p_values_memory.add_p_value(p_values[i], node, p, other_parents) # Summarize for node, p, other_parents in triples: p_value = p_values_memory.get_p_value(node, p, other_parents) if p_value is not None: validation_summary[FalsifyConst.N_TESTS] += 1 validation_summary[FalsifyConst.P_VALUES][(node, p, tuple(other_parents))] = ( p_value, p_value > significance_level, ) if p_value > significance_level: validation_summary[FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS] += 1 return validation_summary
[docs]def run_validations( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, data: pd.DataFrame, methods: Optional[Union[Callable, Tuple[Callable, ...], List[Callable]]] = partial( validate_lmc, independence_test=kernel_based, conditional_independence_test=kernel_based ), ) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """ Validate a given causal graph using observational data and some given methods. If methods are provided, they must be wrapped in a partial object, with their respective parameters. E.g., if one wants to test the local Markov conditions and the pairwise dependencies (unconditional faithfulness), then call run_validations(G, data, methods=( partial(validate_lmc, independence_test=..., conditional_independence_test=...), partial(validate_pd, independence_test=...), ) ) :param causal_graph: A directed acyclic graph (DAG). :param data: Observations of variables in the DAG. :param methods: Method functions wrapped in wrap_partial. E.g. wrap_partial(validate_lmc, data=data, independence_test=..., conditional_independence_test=...). If no methods are provided we run validate_lmc with optional keyword arguments provided to run_validations. :return: Validation summary as dict. """ if not isinstance(methods, (tuple, list)): methods = (methods,) validation_summary = dict() for m in methods: if "data" in getfullargspec(m).args: m = partial(m, data=data) m_summary = m(causal_graph=causal_graph) m_name = m_summary.pop(FalsifyConst.METHOD) validation_summary[m_name] = m_summary return validation_summary
[docs]@dataclass class EvaluationResult: """ Dataset class containing the evaluation result of falsifying a graph using a node-permutation test. ... Attributes ---------- summary : dict Dictionary containing the summary of the evaluation. significance_level : float Significance level based on which we falsify the given DAG falsifiable : bool Whether the given DAG is falsifiable. falsified : bool Whether the given DAG is falsified. """ summary: dict significance_level: float suggestions: Optional[dict] = None
[docs] def update_significance_level(self, significance_level: float): """ Update the significance level to decide if we falsify a given DAG. """ self.significance_level = significance_level self.__post_init__()
def __post_init__(self): self.can_evaluate = self._can_evaluate() if not self.can_evaluate: self.falsified = None self.falsifiable = None elif ( self.summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC][FalsifyConst.P_VALUE] > self.significance_level > self.summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA][FalsifyConst.P_VALUE] ): self.falsified = True self.falsifiable = True elif self.significance_level < self.summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA][FalsifyConst.P_VALUE]: self.falsified = False self.falsifiable = False else: self.falsified = False self.falsifiable = True def __repr__(self): # DAG Evaluation if self.can_evaluate: decision = " " if self.falsified else " do not " informative = " " if self.falsifiable else " not " frac_MEC = f"{len(self.summary[FalsifyConst.MEC])} / {len(self.summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA][FalsifyConst.PERM_VIOLATIONS])}" frac_VLMC = f"{self.summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC][FalsifyConst.GIVEN_VIOLATIONS]}/{self.summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC][FalsifyConst.N_TESTS]}" p_LMC = self.summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC][FalsifyConst.P_VALUE] p_dSep = self.summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA][FalsifyConst.P_VALUE] validation_repr = [ f"The given DAG is{informative}informative because {frac_MEC} of the permutations lie in the Markov", f"equivalence class of the given DAG (p-value: {p_dSep:.2f}).", f"The given DAG violates {frac_VLMC} LMCs and is better than {(1 - p_LMC) * 100:.1f}% of the permuted DAGs (p-value: {p_LMC:.2f}).", f"Based on the provided significance level ({self.significance_level}) and because the DAG is{informative}informative,", f"we{decision}reject the DAG.", ] else: validation_repr = ["Cannot be evaluated!"] # Suggestions suggestion_repr = {} for m in self.suggestions: suggestion_repr[FALSIFY_METHODS[m]] = [ f"Remove edge {node[1]} --> {node[0]}" for (node, r) in self.suggestions[m][FalsifyConst.P_VALUES].items() if r[1] ] return _generate_table(validation_repr, suggestion_repr) def _can_evaluate(self): can_evaluate = True for m in (FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC, FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA): if m not in self.summary: can_evaluate = False return can_evaluate
[docs]def falsify_graph( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, data: pd.DataFrame, suggestions: bool = False, independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based, conditional_independence_test: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = kernel_based, significance_level: float = 0.05, significance_ci: float = 0.05, n_permutations: Optional[int] = None, show_progress_bar: Optional[bool] = None, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, plot_histogram: bool = False, plot_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> EvaluationResult: """ Falsify a given DAG using observational data. This method returns the result of a permutation-test to falsify a user-given DAG using observational data. To this end we construct the test statistics by testing the violations of local Markov conditions (LMC) implied by the graph using conditional independence (CI) tests. The null is the number of LMC violations of a random node-permutation of the given graph. Our test can be interpreted as whether the given graph is significantly better than random in terms of the CIs it entails. To determine whether a given graph is falsifiable by our metric, we implement a second test, which reports whether given graph is "characteristic" enough in terms of the CIs it entails. For this, we compute how many of the random node permutations lie in the same Markov equivalence class (MEC) as the given graph and conclude that the given graph is falsifiable only if the fraction of permuted DAGs in the same MEC as the given graph is "reasonably" small. The returned EvaluationResult object has two attributes: `falsified` and `falsifiable`: `falsifiable`: The given graph lies in a different MEC than >= 1-`significance_level` of the permuted DAGs `falsified`: The given graph is falsifiable and violates fewer LMCs than >= 1-`significance_level` of the permuted DAGs By default, we only run 1 / `significance_level` permutations as those are enough to falsify a graph with type I error probability `significance_level` at some given `significance_level`. If you are interested in a more exact estimate of the p-value or wish to plot a histogram to see how the given DAG compares to random node permutations, you should set `n_permutations` to some larger value (e.g. 100 or 1000). If `n_permutations=-1` we test on all n_nodes! permutations (the default if plot_histogram=True). Additionally, this method allows to return suggestions to the user (suggestions=True). This is done by testing for violations of causal minimality via `validate_cm`. Related paper: Eulig, E., Mastakouri, A. A., Blöbaum, P., Hardt, M., & Janzing, D. (2023). Toward Falsifying Causal Graphs Using a Permutation-Based Test. :param causal_graph: A directed acyclic graph (DAG). :param data: Observations of variables in the DAG. :param suggestions: Provide suggestions to the user. At the moment the only source of suggestions comes from validating causal minimality (using validate_cm). :param independence_test: Independence test to use for checking pairwise independencies. :param conditional_independence_test: Conditional independence test to use. :param significance_level: Significance level for the permutation test. :param significance_ci: Significance level for (conditional) independence tests. :param n_permutations: Number of permutations to perform. If -1 use all n_nodes! permutations. :param show_progress_bar: Whether to show progress bar over permutations. :param n_jobs: Number of jobs to use for parallel execution of (conditional) independence tests. :param plot_histogram: Plot histogram of results from permutation baseline. :param plot_kwargs: Additional plot arguments to be passed to plot_evaluation_results. :return: EvaluationResult """ n_jobs = config.default_n_jobs if n_jobs is None else n_jobs show_progress_bar = config.show_progress_bars if show_progress_bar is None else show_progress_bar p_values_memory = _PValuesMemory() if n_permutations is None: n_permutations = int(1 / significance_level) if not plot_histogram else -1 if not plot_kwargs: plot_kwargs = {} methods = ( partial( validate_lmc, independence_test=independence_test, conditional_independence_test=conditional_independence_test, significance_level=significance_ci, p_values_memory=p_values_memory, n_jobs=n_jobs, ), partial(validate_tpa, causal_graph_reference=causal_graph), ) if suggestions: suggestion_methods = ( partial( validate_cm, independence_test=independence_test, conditional_independence_test=conditional_independence_test, significance_level=significance_ci, p_values_memory=p_values_memory, n_jobs=n_jobs, ), ) else: suggestion_methods = tuple() summary_given = run_validations( causal_graph, data, methods=methods + suggestion_methods, ) summary_perm = _permutation_based( causal_graph, data, methods=methods, exclude_original_order=False, n_permutations=n_permutations, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, ) summary = dict() validation_methods = set(summary_perm.keys()) - {FalsifyConst.PERM_GRAPHS} for m in validation_methods: summary[m] = dict() summary[m][FalsifyConst.PERM_VIOLATIONS] = [perm[FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS] for perm in summary_perm[m]] summary[m][FalsifyConst.GIVEN_VIOLATIONS] = summary_given[m][FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS] summary[m][FalsifyConst.N_TESTS] = summary_given[m][FalsifyConst.N_TESTS] summary[m][FalsifyConst.F_PERM_VIOLATIONS] = [ perm[FalsifyConst.N_VIOLATIONS] / perm[FalsifyConst.N_TESTS] for perm in summary_perm[m] ] summary[m][FalsifyConst.F_GIVEN_VIOLATIONS] = ( summary[m][FalsifyConst.GIVEN_VIOLATIONS] / summary[m][FalsifyConst.N_TESTS] ) summary[m][FalsifyConst.P_VALUE] = sum( [ 1 for perm in summary[m][FalsifyConst.F_PERM_VIOLATIONS] if perm <= summary[m][FalsifyConst.F_GIVEN_VIOLATIONS] ] ) / len(summary[m][FalsifyConst.PERM_VIOLATIONS]) if m != FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA: # Append list of violations (node, non_desc) to get local information summary[m][FalsifyConst.LOCAL_VIOLATION_INSIGHT] = summary_given[m][FalsifyConst.P_VALUES] if FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA in summary: summary[FalsifyConst.MEC] = [ summary_perm[FalsifyConst.PERM_GRAPHS][i] for i, v in enumerate(summary[FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_TPA][FalsifyConst.PERM_VIOLATIONS]) if v == 0 ] result = EvaluationResult( summary=summary, significance_level=significance_level, suggestions={m: summary_given[m] for m in summary_given if m not in validation_methods}, ) if plot_histogram: plot_evaluation_results(result, **plot_kwargs) return result
[docs]def apply_suggestions( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, evaluation_result: EvaluationResult, edges_to_keep: Optional[List[Tuple[Any, Any]]] = None, ): if not hasattr(evaluation_result, "suggestions"): raise ValueError("EvaluationResult object has no attribute suggestions. Please run with suggestion=True!") causal_graph = causal_graph.copy() for m in evaluation_result.suggestions: for node, res in evaluation_result.suggestions[m][FalsifyConst.P_VALUES].items(): edge = (node[1], node[0]) if (res[1] and edges_to_keep is not None and edge not in edges_to_keep) or ( res[1] and edges_to_keep is None ): causal_graph.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1]) return causal_graph
[docs]def plot_evaluation_results(evaluation_result, figsize=(8, 3), bins=None, title="", savepath="", display=True): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # Plot histograms p_values = "" data = [] labels = [] evaluation_summary = {k: v for k, v in evaluation_result.summary.items() if k != FalsifyConst.MEC} for i, (m, m_summary) in enumerate(evaluation_summary.items()): data.append(m_summary[FalsifyConst.F_PERM_VIOLATIONS]) labels.append(f"Violations of {FALSIFY_METHODS[m]} of permuted DAGs") p_values += f"p-value {FALSIFY_METHODS[m]} = {m_summary[FalsifyConst.P_VALUE]:.2f}\n" ax.hist(data, color=COLORS[: len(evaluation_summary)], bins=bins, alpha=0.5, label=labels, edgecolor="k") # Plot given violations for i, (m, m_summary) in enumerate(evaluation_summary.items()): ylim = ax.get_ylim()[1] ax.plot( [m_summary[FalsifyConst.F_GIVEN_VIOLATIONS]] * 2, [0, ylim], "--", c=COLORS[i], label=f"Violations of {FALSIFY_METHODS[m]} of given DAG", ) ax.set_ylim([0, ylim]) ax.set_xlabel("Fraction of violations") ax.set_ylabel("# Permutations") plt.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), borderaxespad=0.0, title=p_values) if title: plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout() if savepath: plt.savefig(savepath, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") if display: else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_local_insights( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, evaluation_result: Union[EvaluationResult, Dict], method: Optional[str] = FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC, ): """ For some given graph and evaluation result plot local violations. :param causal_graph: DiGraph :param evaluation_result: EvaluationResult :param method: Method for which to plot violations """ colors = {} if isinstance(evaluation_result, EvaluationResult) and method in evaluation_result.summary: local_insight_dict = evaluation_result.summary[method][FalsifyConst.LOCAL_VIOLATION_INSIGHT] elif ( isinstance(evaluation_result, EvaluationResult) and hasattr(evaluation_result, "suggestions") and method in evaluation_result.suggestions ): local_insight_dict = evaluation_result.suggestions[method][FalsifyConst.P_VALUES] elif isinstance(evaluation_result, Dict): if method not in evaluation_result: raise ValueError(f"Validation method {method} does not exist in given evaluation_result!") if FalsifyConst.P_VALUES not in evaluation_result[method]: raise ValueError( f"Validation method {method} has no key {FalsifyConst.P_VALUES} where information on local violations " f"are stored!" ) local_insight_dict = evaluation_result[method][FalsifyConst.P_VALUES] else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot plot local violation insights from method {method} in evaluation_result!") for nodes, result in local_insight_dict.items(): if result[1]: if method == FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_LMC: # For LMC we highlight X for which X _|/|_ Y \in ND_X | Pa_X colors[nodes[0]] = VIOLATION_COLOR elif method == FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_PD: # For PD we highlight the edge (if Y\in Anc_X -> X are adjacent) colors[(nodes[1], nodes[0])] = VIOLATION_COLOR elif method == FalsifyConst.VALIDATE_CM: # For causal minimality we highlight the edge Y \in Pa_X -> X colors[(nodes[1], nodes[0])] = VIOLATION_COLOR plot(causal_graph, colors=colors)
def _generate_table( validation_repr, suggestion_repr, width=105, validation_name="Falsificaton Summary", suggestion_name="Suggestions" ): # Create Validation header _repr = [ "+" + "-" * (width - 2) + "+\n", "|" + " " * int(np.floor((width - 2 - len(validation_name)) / 2)), validation_name, " " * int(np.ceil((width - 2 - len(validation_name)) / 2)) + "|\n", "+" + "-" * (width - 2) + "+\n", ] # Create Validation summary _repr += [f"| {v_line}" + " " * (width - 3 - len(v_line)) + "|\n" for v_line in validation_repr] # Close Validation _repr += ["+" + "-" * (width - 2) + "+\n"] # Create Suggestions header if suggestion_repr: _repr += [ "|" + " " * int(np.floor((width - 2 - len(suggestion_name)) / 2)), suggestion_name, " " * int(np.ceil((width - 2 - len(suggestion_name)) / 2)) + "|\n", "+" + "-" * (width - 2) + "+\n", ] # Iterate over suggestions for m, suggestions in suggestion_repr.items(): left_col = "| " + m + " |" if not suggestions: right_col = " " + " " * (width - 2 - len(left_col)) + "|\n" _repr += [left_col, right_col] for i, s in enumerate(suggestions): if i > 0: left_col = "| " + " " * len(m) + " |" right_col = " - " + s + " " * (width - 4 - len(s) - len(left_col)) + "|\n" _repr += [left_col, right_col] _repr += ["+" + "-" * (width - 2) + "+\n"] return "".join(_repr)[:-1] def _compute_p_value( data: pd.DataFrame, X: Union[List, str], Y: Union[List, str], Z: Optional[Union[Set, List, str]], independence_test: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float]], conditional_independence_test: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float]], seed: int, ) -> float: """Perform (conditional) independence test and report p-value. If any nodes needed for the test do not exist in the data, this test is skipped and a value of -1 is returned and a warning is raised. :param data: Observations of variables in the DAG. :param X: Variable to test (conditional) independence with Y :param Y: Variable to test (conditional) independence with X :param Z: Set to condition independence test on. Can be empty (None, empty set, or empty list). :param independence_test: Independence test to use. :param conditional_independence_test: Conditional independence test to use. :param seed: Random seed :return: p-value """ set_random_seed(seed) # Test if we have data for X and Y for node in [X, Y]: if not node in data.columns: warnings.warn(f"WARN: Couldn't find data for node {node}. Skip this test.") return if Z: # Test if we have data for Z for node in Z: if not node in data.columns: warnings.warn(f"WARN: Couldn't find data for node {node}. Skip this test.") return p_value = conditional_independence_test(data[X].values, data[Y].values, data[Z].values) else: p_value = independence_test(data[X].values, data[Y].values) return p_value def _get_parental_triples(causal_graph: DirectedGraph, include_unconditional: bool): """ For a given graph collect all parental triples, that is, the triple (X, Y, Z) is a parental triple iff Y is non-descendant of X, and Z are the parents of X (can be empty if include_unconditional=True) """ triples = [] for node in causal_graph.nodes: parents = get_ordered_predecessors(causal_graph, node) non_descendants = _get_non_descendants(causal_graph, node, exclude_parents=True) if (parents or include_unconditional) and non_descendants: for non_desc in non_descendants: triples.append((node, non_desc, parents)) return triples def _permutation_based( causal_graph: DirectedGraph, data: pd.DataFrame, methods: Union[Callable, Tuple[Callable, ...], List[Callable]], exclude_original_order: bool, n_permutations: int, show_progress_bar: bool, ) -> Dict[str, List[Union[DirectedGraph, Dict]]]: """ Generate baseline for node permutations. :param causal_graph: A directed acyclic graph (DAG). :param methods: Validation methods to perform. :param exclude_original_order: Exclude the original ordering of the nodes (default=False) :param n_permutations: Number of permutations to perform. If -1 use all n_nodes! - int(exclude_orig) permutations :param show_progress_bar: Whether to show progress bar over tested permutations. :return: Dictionary containing summary of validation for each individual graph as well as the permuted graphs """ if not isinstance(methods, (tuple, list)): methods = (methods,) perm_gen = _PermuteNodes(causal_graph, n_permutations=n_permutations, exclude_original_order=exclude_original_order) validation_summary = {FalsifyConst.PERM_GRAPHS: []} for permuted_graph in tqdm(perm_gen, desc="Test permutations of given graph", disable=not show_progress_bar): res = run_validations( causal_graph=permuted_graph, data=data, methods=methods, ) validation_summary[FalsifyConst.PERM_GRAPHS].append(permuted_graph) for m_name, summary in res.items(): if m_name not in validation_summary: validation_summary[m_name] = [] validation_summary[m_name].append(summary) return validation_summary class _PermuteNodes: def __init__(self, causal_graph: DirectedGraph, exclude_original_order: bool, n_permutations: int): """ Randomly permute the nodes of a given causal graph while keeping the underlying graph structure the same. :param causal_graph: A directed acyclic graph (DAG). :param exclude_original_order: Do not return the original order. :param n_permutations: Return a generator with n_permutations permutations. If n_permutations = -1 (default), we return all n_nodes! - int(exclude_orig) permutations. :return: Copy of causal_graph with nodes randomly permuted. """ self.causal_graph = causal_graph self.exclude_original_order = exclude_original_order self.n_permutations = n_permutations self.max_perms = np.math.factorial(self.causal_graph.number_of_nodes()) - int(self.exclude_original_order) if n_permutations == -1 or n_permutations > self.max_perms: = self.iter_all_permutations() self.length = self.max_perms if self.length > 2**63 - 1: raise ValueError( f"Too many permutations specified. Did you accidently set 'n_permutations'=-1 for a " f"large (>20 nodes) graph? " f"Given graph has {causal_graph.number_of_nodes()} nodes." ) else: = self.iter_random_permutations() self.length = self.n_permutations def iter_all_permutations(self): for i, perm in enumerate(permutations(self.causal_graph.nodes)): if self.exclude_original_order and i == 0: continue mapping = {node: perm[i] for i, node in enumerate(self.causal_graph.nodes)} yield nx.relabel_nodes(self.causal_graph, mapping, copy=True) def iter_random_permutations(self): for _ in range(self.n_permutations): if self.exclude_original_order: is_orig = True while is_orig: perm = list(np.random.permutation(self.causal_graph.nodes)) if perm != list(self.causal_graph.nodes): is_orig = False else: perm = list(np.random.permutation(self.causal_graph.nodes)) mapping = {node: perm[i] for i, node in enumerate(self.causal_graph.nodes)} yield nx.relabel_nodes(self.causal_graph, mapping, copy=True) def __iter__(self): yield from def __len__(self): return self.length def _to_frozenset(x: Union[Set, List, str]): """Converts a set, list or string into a hashable frozenset""" assert ( isinstance(x, Set) or isinstance(x, List) or isinstance(x, str) ), f"{x} must be list, set or str. Got {type(x)} instead!" if isinstance(x, str): return frozenset({x}) return frozenset(x)